We can field teams of knowledgable consultants who work from a rigorous, evidenced based approach but who have a key goal of helping you produce timely results. We do this by delivering some projects that meet our expertise and/or using one of our carefully chosen alliance partners. For large projects with several key initiatives that need multiple internal talent and external resources, we can take on the role of Program Manager. Our consulting services follow from your needs and are gleaned from conversations with you and perhaps our diagnostics.
If you use our Diagnostics first, our consultants work from the Roundmaps generated. But you may have an urgent or a more focused need for which we can deliver.
As of December 2015 we are proud to announce we will provide Program Management services to Managing Directors of Private Equity Portfolios, business units of corporations and private mid-size firms using our Business Performance Engine (BPE) as the basis (please see separate description of this service). As of December 2016, we are in discussions with one Private Equity firm to use the BPE to help grow the value of their portfolio firms.