Author Archive for Adam Newdow

Information Technology and Growing the Value of Your Firm

If you are like me and are not an information technology (IT) expert or aficionado, then you probably scrape by understanding the ins and outs of the waves of new IT the best you can. You call on your IT experts to train you on what you need to know from a technical standpoint, and make do until the next IT wave emerges. However, IT and the waves of new IT that we can count on to happen every year, if not every six months, have huge potential for helping to grow the value of your firm, which is the topic of this series of articles started last year for the Forum. As such, IT can be very strategic, as well as allowing us to perform daily tasks at ever increasing productivity and efficiency.

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We're building a rich online resource for the rigourous professional.  Please sign up for our quarterly newsletter.  We will never pass your information on to a third-party, so why not take advantage of an easy way to get an edge on the competition, with secrets and methodolgies from an industry insider?

Entering Text

Now that I've made this video, I realize the problem.  Watch this video at your convenience, and pay special attention to the section detailing how to "paste as text."  This should help speed up our workflow.


 Bill Bigler –

Logo Examples

Please take a look at the following logo examples.  We can probably get away with using one of these at least in the short term, while we focus on the content.  These are free for commercial use icons, but I particularly like the one with the green triangle on the dark folder.  I have contacted the original artist to see about usage.  I also uploaded a bunch of nice graphics to the shared folder, so take a peek when you get a second!

Knowledge Taxonomy

This website is a labor of love of offering what I have developed as useful and valuable in helping firms increase their valuation from a strategic management viewpoint over the last thirty years. But I stand on the shoulders of great strategy professionals who have a definitive point of view about what drives firm valuation and will cite their work throughout this website. And this is constantly evolving and I hope improving moving forward.

What is Organizational Performance?

You will see mention of Organizational Effectiveness, Organizational Performance and Strategic Management throughout this website and offerings. Here are our definitions:
Organizational Performance: A historic track record of growing the market value of the firm greater than a market index or peer group.
Organizational Effectiveness: The capabilities, resources, linked activities, processes, physical assets and intangible assets to execute future cycles of growing the market value of the firm greater than a market index or peer group and faster than the index or peer group.
As you will see, we think valuation for the private for-profit firm and shareholder value for the publically traded firm is the overall best measure of performance and effectiveness. These measures and the disciplines contained within them allow for the best chance of aligning everything in the firm towards desired end results. We do understand not everyone agrees with us. We will discuss this at various places in our website and offerings.
Strategic Management –

Strategic management is the management and leadership of a strategy framework that will position an organization for sustainable superior performance through time and then actually achieve the superior performance through time.