On Our Logo

The second paragraph here may suggest this website is a kind of a touchy feely kind of thing. Please read on after the second paragraph to dispell any notions of such.

The symbol in our logo is the Endless Knot from Indian religious lore. It has been described as “an ancient symbol representing the interweaving of the Spiritual path, and the flowing of Time and Movement within That Which is Eternal”. All existence, it says, is bound by time and change, yet ultimately rests serenly within the Divine and the Eternal. 

Well capitalism and competition and strategy are not nearly the important stuff as religion and the eternal are….

But for thirty years this symbol has struck me as an analogy to organizational dynamics and longevity: the possibility of the longevity of one organization represents the interweaving of its strategic intent, and the ebb and flow of time and competition within a larger competitive arena, mutual causation and endless interconnectedness and skill and yes….. luck.

The analogy ends though with resting serenely within anything. Competition is like war from our experience. While periods of time can trick us that the world is a nice place, our view is that the reality is more of a Darwinian survival of the fittest. 

Our website and offfering then will probably not appeal to those who feel capitalism, competition and strategy should have large doses of altruism associated with them. We hope we are wrong as the current pleas for a higher form of capitalism do resonate with us. We just do not see it happening. We feel the sine qua non of capitalism, competition and strategy is maximizing firm valuation. This kind of higher appeal is enough for us for now.